
October 23, 2006: Victoria's Birthday! & SAW 3

October 23, 2006: Victoria's Birthday! & SAW 3

So, today is Victoria's 22nd birthday! and doin my moral duty she got a "W.O.W." (now that i have a bunch of them...guess what everyone is getting for x-mas! lol) and i also got her a ticket (with our group) to see Kevin Smith in Akron in March! (2007) and for thouse of you who dont know the history between Vicky and I (cause there is a history.... and its a long one....) in short she is the ONLY ONE who is responsbile for the creation of Movie Miguel, mainly because she is the one who gave me the name that has become ledendary, and i owe her for a lot than most people will understand! HAPPY BIRTHDAY VIX! LOVE ALWAYS, MOVIE MIGUEL ("your love")

SAW 3 comes out fri! im still debating if i want to go to the midnight showing in Valley View or not (thats that closest midnight showing) but what im here to promote is "Jigsaw" & "Amanda" (Tobin Bell, Shawnee Smith) will be on the Opie & Anthony show (aired in Cleveland from 3-6pm) today!