
March 5, 2007: MovieMiguel.com Mentioned On NewsAskew.com!

March 5, 2007: MovieMiguel.com Mentioned On NewsAskew.com!

From: NewsAskew.com
Monday, March 5, 2007
Kev Does Ohio - We Got Pics!
Posted @ 12:20 PM

# Kevin took the stage in Akron, Ohio on Friday for a packed Q&A session, where he entertained crowds for a rather short session...Not by his own choice, mind you, we hear that the school pulled the plug due to time concerns at the very early hour of 10:45. So, sadly, not all those in line got the Q's A'ed, though it does look as if Kevin did take time to sign stuff for those who asked. Check out some photos above to see the dude looking quite trim these days, the diet's doing him well for sure! Enjoy. If anyone's got further details on their favorite stories from the event, let us know. These are the some of the first shows after "Evening Harder", so we're guessing some new stories might be coming out, as Kevin does not repeat stuff that can already be found on the discs.

Thanks to Mike Kopcak of MovieMiguel.com for sharing his questions and story -- He explains that his question got one of the longer replies of the night, though he didn't know that as folks who were waiting to ask had to actually wait in line OUTSIDE of the theater for their turn! Crazy.