
Portal 2 Pushed Back Into 2011

Written Wednesday, June 09, 2010 By Dan Webb

Valve certainly have been causing a stir on the internet the past few days/week. Whether it's announcing their E3 press showing of Portal 2, or then subsequently cancelling it.
Cancelling it wasn't enough though, they had to put that word "surprise" in there and as a result, everyone's hopes were raised - no thanks due to some blatantly obvious hoaxes - but after all is said and done, the one piece of concrete news to come from all of this came this afternoon, in an e-mail from Aperture Science AKA Valve... that delayed Portal 2 into 2011.
There is no solid information as to why it was delayed, aside from a few comical statements like, "the game will be even better" and "making games is hard," but regardless, it doesn't matter, it's not coming this year now.
There you have it... we assume that wasn't the surprise, well, we hope so, and we'll bring you our first impressions of the title when we check it out at this year's E3.

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